
What Is Green Background On Pokemon Go

The loading screen (or splash screen) is the first affair players see while logging into the Pokémon Go – following the developer and publisher information screens. Information technology is changed from time to fourth dimension and may represent newly added game characteristic or ongoing event.

Some of loading screen artworks had various Easter-eggs and references hidden in them.



Original loading screen.png

Period of employ
July sixthursday - October 26th, 2016.
Featured Pokémon
Artwork clarification

It is the very start loading screen, used since the game release. It shows male person Trainer on the bridge and Gyarados. Whole design of the graphic seems simplistic, flat and might be fabricated as vector graphic prior the using in the game.

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016 loading screen.png

Catamenia of use
October 26thursday - Dec 12th, 2016.
Featured Pokémon
Artwork description

Loading screen graphic was changed for the first time in October 2016 for the Halloween event – the beginning e'er outcome in Pokémon GO. This loading screen introduced more artwork theme of the graphics for splash screen. Information technology shows male person trainer and Gengar in royal glowing tree hollow, also out-of-range PokéStop tin can be seen in background.

Vacation 2016

Holiday 2016 loading screen.png

Period of utilise
December 12th - 30th, 2016
Featured Pokémon
Pikachu wearing a festive hat, Eevee, Snorlax, Clefairy and Squirtle
Artwork description

For Holiday 2016 event there was yet another loading screen graphic introduced. For the starting time time it included more than one Pokémon and female Trainer. This loading screen shows PokéStop beingness decorated with Christmas lights that are powered past Pikachu in holiday chapeau. Likewise there are Snorlax, Eevee and Squirtle continuing next to the PokéStop and Clefairy on the ladder leaning against the PokéStop.

Holiday 2016 loading screen original.png

The artwork for this loading screen was a bit different prior to update 0.51.0 that was released on December 19thursday, 2016. The female person Trainer had more cartoonish silhouette, there was no pink aura across the background and the Christmas lights were hung effectually PokéStop the different way. This artwork is presented on left.

New year'southward Eve 2016

New Year 2016 loading screen.png

Catamenia of utilise
December 30th, 2016 - April seventh, 2017
Featured Pokémon
Cleffa, Pichu, Igglybuff, Togepi and Elekid
Artwork description

Graphic artwork of loading screen for New year's day'south Eve in 2016 shows colourful, brilliant fireworks exploding in the sky. In the foreground there are iv Baby Pokémon continuing forrad these fireworks, these Pokémon are Cleffa,Pichu, Igglybuff and Togepi. There is also trainer seen to the left in the groundwork with Elekid standing by his side. This is the outset, in the game, loading screen to feature Johto-region Pokémon.


Spring 2017

Spring 2016 loading screen.png

Period of use
April 7th - June 21st, 2017
Featured Pokémon
Artwork description

Later New year's day's Eve 2016 loading screen being displayed for over three months, it was replaced with Bound themed one. It shows female Trainer on the scenery with greenish plains under brilliant blueish sky, where she is walking towards Steelix that emerged from the ground destroying apartment, green surface. In the background to the right from the trainer 1 PokéStop tin can be seen. This splash screen refers to newly introduced Johto-region Pokémon in the Feb, 2017.

Raid Battles

Raid Battles loading screen.png

Menstruation of apply
June 21st - Oct 20th, 2017
Featured Pokémon
Pikachu, Tyranitar, Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Sneasel and Hoppip
Artwork description

Loading screen was changed once more in summer 2017 with the new gyms organisation and Raid Battles being introduced to the game. Information technology is the offset loading screen to characteristic more than ane Trainer silhouettes — two male and two female Trainers. Each of them is staying around the field where Tyranitar Raid Boss is beingness attacked by Squirtle, Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Hoppip and Sneasel. The whole activity shown in this loading screen takes place at dark on the stadium.

Halloween 2017

Halloween 2017 loading screen.png

Period of use
October 20thursday - November, 2017
Featured Pokémon
Gengar, Dusclops, Banette, Murkrow, Sableye, Duskull, Shuppet, iii Zubat and Caterpie
Artwork description

Loading screen was inverse for the 2nd in-game Halloween outcome. It was the commencement loading screen to feature Hoenn-region Pokémon, such equally: Sableye, Shuppet, Banette, Duskull and Dusclops. These Pokémon along with Murkrow surround Gengar, with all standing on the colina in light of the large moon. In that location are also three Zubat flying over other Pokémon and a Caterpie can be seen on sitting on i of the pumpkins in the lesser function of the graphic. Additionally, there is male trainer wearing Mimikyu chapeau standing in the pumpkin field.

Holiday 2017

Holiday 2017 loading screen.png

Menses of use
December 7th, 2017 - January ist, 2018
Featured Pokémon
Plusle, Minun, Spheal, Mudkip, Skitty, Delcatty, Ralts, Kirlia, eight Seedot, Beautifly, Shroomish and Wingull
Artwork clarification

During Holiday flavor in 2017, there was another loading screen that featured female trainer wearing wintertime had and plenty of Pokémon from Hoenn region. In the foreground there are Plusle, Minun, Spheal, Mudkip, Skitty, Delcatty, Ralts and Kirlia among holiday gifts. There are also half-dozen Seedot under the Christmas tree and two more than on twigs, as well as a Shroomish. Moreover, there are Wingull and Beautifly flying effectually the tree with red decoration ribbons — Wingull withal was non released to the game until Jan 2018. At the top of the Christmas tree there is a Star Piece.


New year's day 2018

New Year 2018 loading screen.png

Period of use
January 1st, 2018 - March 28th, 2018
Featured Pokémon
Pikachu, Wurmple wearing a party chapeau, Torchic, Treecko, Mudkip, Larvitar, Wynaut, Azurill, Slakoth, Milotic, Loudred, Furret, Bulbasaur, Cleffa, Pichu, Igglybuff and Togepi
Artwork description

New year's day 2018 splash screen features multiple, mainly Hoenn-region Pokémon, including three Hoenn-region Starters and Baby Pokémon. In the foreground, there are jumping Pikachu with Torchic and Wurmple that is wearing party hat. In the background there is a male trainer with Treecko and Larvitar near him, and backside them at that place is large, glowing 2018 sign. At that place are Azurill, Wynaut and Mudkip cheerfully standing in front of the sign.

In the '2' number there are four Babe Pokémon from Johto region, that are reference to 2016 New Year'southward Eve loading screen, where they stand with each other in the same society and are watching fireworks. On the '2' number in that location is Bulbasaur with his vine whips exposed. In the '0' number there is lying Slakoth and there is Loudred continuing on the '1' number. There are as well, Milotic on the '8' number and Furret within this number. Behind the 2018 sign there are bright, brilliant, pinkish fireworks.

The Party Hat Wurmple has get massively popular with the fans hoping it would be added. Information technology was officially released in Hatchathon 2020.


Research loading screen.png

Menstruation of apply
March 28th - June nineteenthursday, 2018
Featured Pokémon
Pikachu, Mew, Arbok, Teddiursa, Butterfree and Weedle
Artwork description

Jump 2018 splash screen features Professor Willow standing on the stone, with Pikachu on his shoulder. There can be seen Mew flying in the background. This splash screen refers to introduction of Inquiry tasks feature and debut of Mew – the first Mythical Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

Summertime 2018

Summer 2018 loading screen.png

Period of use
June nineteenthursday - December xith, 2018
Featured Pokémon
Ivysaur, four Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Wailmer, Alolan Raichu, 2 Wingull, Alolan Exeggutor and Bellossom
Artwork description

This summer-themed splash screen features Alolan forms that were released to the game at the beginning of summer 2018.

Trainer Battles

Trainer Battles loading screen.png

Period of utilize
December xith - December 31st, 2018
Featured Pokémon
Electivire and Lucario
Artwork description

This splash screen features Trainer Battle between Electivire and Lucario. Information technology is the first and then far only splash screen in December, not to feature Holiday nor snow theme.


New year's day 2019

New Year 2019 loading screen.png

Period of use
December 31st, 2018 - February 17th, 2019
Featured Pokémon
Electivire, Lucario, Pikachu, Eevee, Spoink, Grumpig and Swinub
Artwork description

This splash screen is a direct follow-upwardly to the previous loading screen, featuring Electivire and Lucario from the Trainer Boxing. It also includes Spoink and Grumping which refer to Lunar New Year 2019, which was beginning of Chinese Year of the Grunter, there is too Swinub in far background which was featured in February 2019 Community Twenty-four hours and at that place are Pikachu and Eevee in the foreground which might be reference to Pokémon Permit's Become release in Nov of previous year. All these Pokémon, with male and female Trainers are standing towards the bright fireworks show with 2019 number being formed from fireworks on the nighttime sky.

Spring 2019

GO Snapshot loading screen.png

Period of employ
February 17th, 2019 - June, 2019
Featured Pokémon
Smeargle, Mr. Mime, Luxio, 2 Bibarel, Turtwig, Staraptor and ii unidentified bird Pokémon
Artwork clarification

Spring loading screen features male person Trainer taking a snapshot of female Trainer with Mr. Mime and photobombing Smeargle that was released to the Pokémon GO that time along with new game feature – GO Snapshot. In background several Sinnoh-region Pokémon tin be noticed including Turtwig, Luxio, 2 Bibarel. In the heaven, at that place is Staraptor flying forth with two other bird Pokémon whose silhouettes are only visible.

Summertime 2019

Summer 2019 loading screen.png

Period of use
June, 2019 - October, 2019
Featured Pokémon
Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Finneon, Corsola, Mantyke, Psyduck, Sealeo, Gible and Wailmer
Artwork description

The summer splash screen in 2019 features variety of Water-blazon Pokémon on the stony coast along with Lake Guardians Pokémon flying around. At that place is likewise female Trainer sitting on the rock accompanied by Gible and Uxie. This is the first loading screen to feature Legendary Pokémon.

Autumn 2019

Halloween 2019 loading screen.png

Catamenia of use
October, 2019
Featured Pokémon
Shadow Pokémon, including: Charizard, Houndoom, Mawile, Scizor, Meowth, Arcanine, Dragonair, Golbat, Absol and Tyranitar
Artwork clarification

Loading screen themed for Halloween in 2019 featured diverseness of Shadow Pokémon, Team GO Rocket Leaders and Giovanni in front end of, what players suspect, a Viridian Gym building. There is also a male Trainer directed towards Team GO Rocket and he is belongings a Poké Ball. In the groundwork in that location is a night scenery of urban center with enough of skyscrapers. At that place are fallen leaves on the ground in forepart of the Trainer, which gives an autumnal theme to the artwork.

Holiday 2019

Holiday 2019 loading screen.png

Period of use
Nov, 2019 - Jan, 2020
January - March, 2020
Featured Pokémon
Snorlax, Oshawott, two Piplup, Psyduck, Eevee, Pikachu with All-time Buddy ribbon and wintertime cap, Munchlax, Cubchoo, Beartic, Sudowoodo, ii winter Deerling and winter Sawsbuck
Artwork description

This loading screen for the first fourth dimension includes Unova-region Pokémon and it features Snorlax with Pikachu, Eevee, Psyduck, Cubchoo, Munchlax and female person Trainer sledding. Two Piplup and Oshawott are sliding in forepart of them. In the background at that place can be seen startled Sudoowodo running abroad from Beartic and winter Sawsbuck accompanied by ii Deerling – they were non released however yet.


New year 2020

2020 loading screen.png

Period of apply
First weeks of January, 2020
Featured Pokémon
Pikachu, Marill, Mightyena, Axew, Nidorina, Quilava, Sewaddle, Tyranitar, Scolipede and Gible
Artwork description

There was temporal loading screen for a New Year 2020 which featured multifariousness of different Pokémon along with male Trainer standing on snow covered cliffs, that were looking in direction of sun during pause of dawn higher up the clouds.

Spring 2020

Spring 2020 loading screen.png

Period of employ
March - July, 2020
Featured Pokémon
Seismitoad, Togetic, Sunshine Cherrim, Scolipede, Ralts, Joltik, Venipede and Sudowoodo
Artwork clarification

Spring splash screen featured a forest scenery with male Trainer looking up at Seismitoad climbing the tree and Togetic flying side by side to it. There are a couple of Bug-type Pokémon like Scolipede, Venipede and Joltik forth with Ralts and Sunshine Cherrim amongst woods. There is also Sudowoodo hiding behind the rocks.

Summertime 2020

Summer 2020 loading screen.png

Period of use
July, 2020 - November, 2020
Featured Pokémon
Latias, Latios, Slugma, Braviary, Quagsire, Wailmer, Whimsicott, Wigglytuff, Chansey, Cacnea, Crustle and Meganium
Artwork description

Summertime 2020 loading screen features residential neighborhood scenery with multifariousness of different Pokémon and possible premise to Play at home, due to COVID-19 pandemic. At that place are Slugma and Braviary standing on the rooftop, in the foreground. In the first backyard there are Wailmer, Quagsire, Wigglytuff and Whimsicott playing in the pool with female Trainer sitting at its side. Chansey is walking on the grand's fence and in the second backyard there are male Trainer with Crustle and Meganium on the terrace and Cacnea walking on the lawn. There are as well Latias and Latios flight above the neighbourhood and Team GO Rocket airship can exist noticed hovering in the sky, in the far background.

Fall 2020

Fall 2020 loading screen.png

Menstruum of use
November, 2020 - Dec, 2020
Featured Pokémon
Gastly, Mega Gengar, Umbreon, Zweilous, Mandibuzz, Woobat, and Gothorita
Artwork description

The screen shows a histrion viewing a variety of Pokémon in a subcontract, where there are pumpkins growing. There are Woobat and Gastly flight in the air and viewing the scene below, which there are Mega Gengar and Zweilous sitting on the Hay Bales. There are also Umbreon and Gothirita in the foreground, viewing all the other Pokémon, and there is a Mandibuzz perched on a tree watching the others below.

Winter 2020

Winter 2020 loading screen.png

Period of use
December, 2020 - January, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Mamoswine, Mega Abomasnow, Obstagoon, Diggersby, Chespin, Quilladin, Snorunt, Spheal, Bunnelby, Stantler, Fennekin and Froakie
Artwork description

The screen features an icy mountain scenery with Mega Abomasnow rolling a snowball with Furret within and Quilladin on top. Chespin and Fennekin are running next to Abomasnow. In the background, Obstagoon is rolling another snowball with Diggersby on summit. We also come across Stantler running, along with Mamoswine, Snorunt, Bunnelby and Spheal watcing from the altitude.


New Year 2021

New Year 2021 loading screen.png

Period of apply
Jan, 2021 - March 16, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Ho-Oh, Litleo, Pikachu, Fletchling and Greninja
Artwork description

The screen shows a player continuing in a cavern, and she is aslope many different Pokémon who are staring into the sky to run into Ho-Oh fly across the sky.

Spring 2021

Spring 2021 loading screen.png

Flow of use
March sixteen, 2021 - June 1, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Kricketune, Buneary, Petilil, Whirlipede, Servine, Aromatisse, Pancham, Xerneas, Sylveon
Artwork description

The screen features a riverside scenery with a variety of different Pokémon to reveal what is going to exist released into the game in this season.

Summer 2021

Summer 2021 loading screen.jpg

Period of use
June 1, 2021 - September 1, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Meloetta, Loudred, Ponyta, Bidoof, Jumpluff, Purrloin, Lillipup, Plusle, Minun, Jigglypuff, Zigzagoon, Chatot
Artwork description

The screen features various Pokémon featured in the year's GO Fest performing on a stage.

Autumn 2021

Fall 2021 loading screen.png

Flow of use
September ane, 2021 - December ane, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Hoopa, Dedenne, Phantump, Piplup, Chimchar, Furfrou, Turtwig, Pikachu
Artwork description

The screen shows Hoopa pulling a prank on the Trainer with various Pokémon that were featured during the Season of Mischief.

Holiday 2021

Winter 2021 loading screen.jpg

Period of use
December one, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Castform, Chespin, Bergmite, Larvitar, Swinub, Beartic, Cleffa
Artwork description

The screen shows the Pokémon exchanging gifts with Sunny Castform flight to a higher place.


New year's day 2022

New Year 2022 loading screen.jpg

Period of utilise
Since Dec 31, 2021
Featured Pokémon
Growlithe, three Flabébé, Darumaka, Raikou, Helioptile, Hoothoot
Artwork description

The screen shows the Pokémon watching the fireworks display.

Season of Alola

Season of Alola loading screen.png

To be added

Flavor of Go

Season of GO loading screen.png

To be added

Flavor of Become with wormhole

Season of GO Wormhole loading screen.png

To be added


  • All graphic artworks for a loading screen are designed for proper displaying on mobile screens with various aspect ratios.
    • However, they do have presumed designated aspect ratio which allows for the all-time displaying proportions of elements featured in the artworks.
    • Initially, the designated attribute ratio of display would be 16:nine (ratio common for Hard disk and Total Hard disk drive resolutions). With New year's day 2019 loading screen, the designated aspect ratio of display was changed to presumably 19.5:ix (ratio common for new models of iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones).

External pages

  • Pokémon Go page with loading screens on

What Is Green Background On Pokemon Go,


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